
Anti Hypertensive

Betabest AM 25
It is the fixed dose combination of amolodipine (calcium channel blocker) and metoprolol (cardioselective beta blocker), both the drugs have two different mechanism and controls all the factors which controls blood pressure i.e. peripheral vascular resistance, stroke volume and heart rate. Advantages of this combination therapy is that, It effectively achieves target Blood Pressure, Lower incidence of individual drug's side-effects, Produces synergistic effects, Increased patient compliance.
Hypertension uncontrolled on monotherapy.
Hypertension with Ischemic Heart Disease.
Each tablet contains:
Metoprolol succinate (Extended release) - 25 mg
Amlodipine - 5 mg
Dosage should be individualized.
The recommended initial dose is one tablet once daily.
Side Effects
Dizziness, headache, nausea, diarrhoea, fatigue, edema, flushing, palpitations and cold extremities.
Patients who are hypersensitive to any component of this product.
Severe bradycardia, heart block greater than first degree, cardiogenic shock, refractory heart failure, sick sinus syndrome.
Betabest AM is available as a strip of 10 tablets.
Betabest AM 50
It is the fixed dose combination of amolodipine (calcium channel blocker) and metoprolol (cardioselective beta blocker), both the drugs have two different mechanism and controls all the factors which controls blood pressure i.e. peripheral vascular resistance, stroke volume and heart rate. Advantages of this combination therapy is that, It effectively achieves target Blood Pressure, Lower incidence of individual drug's side-effects, Produces synergistic effects, Increased patient compliance.
Hypertension uncontrolled on monotherapy.
Hypertension with Ischemic Heart Disease.
Each tablet contains:
Metoprolol succinate (Extended release) - 50 mg
Amlodipine - 5 mg
Dosage should be individualized.
The recommended initial dose is one tablet once daily.
Side Effects
Dizziness, headache, nausea, diarrhoea, fatigue, edema, flushing, palpitations and cold extremities.
Patients who are hypersensitive to any component of this product.
Severe bradycardia, heart block greater than first degree, cardiogenic shock, refractory heart failure, sick sinus syndrome.
Betabest AM is available as a strip of 10 tablets.
Betabest XL 25
Metoprolol is a beta 1 -selective (cardio selective) adrenergic receptor blocking agent, for oral administration, available as extended release tablet. BETABESTT-XL has been formulated to provide a controlled and predictable release of metoprolol for once daily administration.

Angina pectoris
Heart failure
Post MI
Each tablet contains:
Extended release metoprolol succinate - 25 mg
Hypertension: The usual initial dosage is 50 to 100 mg daily in a single dose. The dosage may increase at weekly intervals until optimum blood pressure reduction is achieved.
Angina pectoris: The usual initial dosage is 100 mg daily, given in single dose. The dosage may be gradually increased at weekly intervals until optimum clinical response has been obtained
Heart failure: The recommended starting dose of BETABEST-XL is 25 mg once daily for two weeks in patients with NYHA class II heart failure.
Side Effects
Tiredness, dizziness, depression, headache, Shortness of breath, bradycardia, diarrhea, nausea, dry mouth, constipation, flatulence.
Severe bradycardia, Heart block greater than first degree, Cardiogenic shock Refractory heart failure, Sick sinus syndrome (unless a permanent pacemaker is in place), Hypersensitivity to any component of this product.
Betabest XL is available as a strip of 10 tablets.
Betabest XL 50
Metoprolol is a beta 1 -selective (cardio selective) adrenergic receptor blocking agent, for oral administration, available as extended release tablet. BETABESTT-XL has been formulated to provide a controlled and predictable release of metoprolol for once daily administration.

Angina pectoris
Heart failure
Post MI
Each tablet contains:
Extended release metoprolol succinate - 50 mg
Hypertension: The usual initial dosage is 50 to 100 mg daily in a single dose. The dosage may increase at weekly intervals until optimum blood pressure reduction is achieved.
Angina pectoris: The usual initial dosage is 100 mg daily, given in single dose. The dosage may be gradually increased at weekly intervals until optimum clinical response has been obtained
Heart failure: The recommended starting dose of BETABEST-XL is 25 mg once daily for two weeks in patients with NYHA class II heart failure.
Side Effects
Tiredness, dizziness, depression, headache, Shortness of breath, bradycardia, diarrhea, nausea, dry mouth, constipation, flatulence.
Severe bradycardia, Heart block greater than first degree, Cardiogenic shock Refractory heart failure, Sick sinus syndrome (unless a permanent pacemaker is in place), Hypersensitivity to any component of this product.
Betabest XL is available as a strip of 10 tablets.
Omen CT 40-12.5 tablet
Each tablet Contains:
Olmesartan medoxomil 40 mg
Chlorthalidone 12.5 mg
Hypertension uncontrolled with monotherapy
Omen CT 40-12.5 is available as a strip of 10 tablets
Omen CT 20-6.25 tablet
Each tablet Contains:
Olmesartan medoxomil 20 mg
Chlorthalidone 6.25 mg
Mild to moderate hypertension
Omen CT 20-6.25 is available as a strip of 10 tablets
Omen CT 40-6.25 tablet
Each tablet Contains:
Olmesartan medoxomil 40 mg
Chlorthalidone 6.25 mg
Mild to moderate hypertension
Omen CT 40-6.25 is available as a strip of 10 tablets
Omen CDP 20 tablet
Each tablet Contains:
Olmesartan medoxomil 20 mg
Cilnidipine 10 mg
Stage II hypertension
Hypertension with CKD (chronic kidney disease)
Hypertension uncontrolled with monotherapy
Diabetic hypertensive patients
Omen CDP 20 is available as a strip of 10 tablets
Omen CDP 40 tablet
Each tablet Contains:
Olmesartan medoxomil 40 mg
Cilnidipine 10 mg
Stage II hypertension
Hypertension with CKD (chronic kidney disease)
Hypertension uncontrolled with monotherapy
Diabetic hypertensive patients
Omen CDP 40 is available as a strip of 10 tablets
Omen 20
The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system is one of the most important systems in pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases including hypertenison. Therefore, it is a very successful drug target for the therapy of these diseases. Olmesartan is effective and has excellent tolerability in Diabetic and Non-diabetic Indian Patients. Moreover Olmesartan lowers the rate of coronary atheroma progression.
  • For the treatment of mild to moderate hypertension.
Each tablet contains:

20 mg

Dosage & Administration
One tablet once daily.
Omen may be administered with or without food.
It is important to take the medication at approximately the same time each day to maintain a consistent concentration of the medication in the body.
Adverse Effects & contraindication
Contraindication : Patients who are hypersensitive to this drug or to any ingredient in the formulation.
Pregnancy : Olmesartan belongs to USFDA's pregnancy category D. Hence its use should be discontinued during pregnancy.
The use of Olmesartan medoxomil in patients with severe renal impairment is not recommended
Omen is available as a strip of 10 tablets.
Omen 40
The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system is one of the most important systems in pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases including hypertenison. Therefore, it is a very successful drug target for the therapy of these diseases. Olmesartan is effective and has excellent tolerability in Diabetic and Non-diabetic Indian Patients. Moreover Olmesartan lowers the rate of coronary atheroma progression.
  • For the treatment of mild to moderate hypertension.
Each tablet contains:

40 mg

Dosage & Administration
One tablet once daily.
Omen may be administered with or without food.
It is important to take the medication at approximately the same time each day to maintain a consistent concentration of the medication in the body.
Adverse Effects & contraindication
Contraindication : Patients who are hypersensitive to this drug or to any ingredient in the formulation.
Pregnancy : Olmesartan belongs to USFDA's pregnancy category D. Hence its use should be discontinued during pregnancy.
The use of Olmesartan medoxomil in patients with severe renal impairment is not recommended
Omen is available as a strip of 10 tablets.
Omen AM
Combinational treatments are recommended in an individual whose blood pressure is markedly above the hypertension goal (e.g. more than 20mmHg systolic or 10mmHg diastolic). It is logical to use a combination which works by complementary mode of action. In Omen AM, Olmesartan inhibits Angiotensin II type 1 receptor which results into decrease in blood pressure and amlodipine inhibits entry of calcium in vascular smooth muscle; this causes vasodilation and reduces blood pressure. Moreover side effect like pedal edema associated with amlodipine can be minimized by co administration of olmesartan.
In the management of Stage II Hypertension
Each Tablet consists:

10 mg

5 mg

One tablet once daily.
Side Effects
Commonly observed adverse reaction is pedal edema, oliguria and hypotension.
Olmesartan belongs to USFDA's pregnancy category D. Hence its use should be discontinued during pregnancy.
The use of Olmesartan medoxomil in patients with severe renal impairment is not recommended.
Omen is available as a strip of 10 tablets.
Omen AM 20
• In hypertension associated with diabetes
Each Tablet consists:

20 mg

5 mg

Omen AM 20 is available as a strip of 10 tablets.
Omen CT
Omen CT is a combination of Olmesartan and Chlorthalidone. Chlorthalidone inhibit the reabsorption of sodium and chloride. Thus increase the excretion of water, sodium and chloride from the body leading to fall in cardiac output and blood pressure. Olmesartan is an angiotensin II receptor blocker with excellent tolerability and safety. Olmesartan inhibits the RAAS system hence decreases blood pressure by different mechanism. Thus the combination exerts the additive effect in controlling the blood pressure.
Hypertension uncontrolled with monotherapy
Each Tablet consists:

Olmesartan Medoxomil
20 mg

12.5 mg

Dosage and Administration
One tablet daily.
Take the medication at approximately the same time each day to maintain a consistent concentration
Adverse Effects
Hypokalemia, hyperglycemia.
Patients with existing fluid and electrolyte disturbances
Severe hepatic impairment
Renal impairment
Omen CT is available as a strip of 10 tablets.
Being a multi-factorial disease, management of hypertension often requires multiple drugs.Combining antihypertensive agents not only targets the underlying pathways for blood pressure, but also overcomes the side effect of individual drugs by complimentary mechanism of each other.Amlodipine is associated with the activation of the renin–angiotensin system (RAS) and the sympathetic nervous system. Olmesartan can effectively prevent the amlodipine associated activation of RAS.Amlodipine is known to cause peripheral edema, but when given in combination with Olmesartan, the incidence of peripheral edema is reduced. (Amlodipine is the arterio-dilator causes peripheral edema and olmesartan is veno-dilators because of which it causes post-capillary dilatation & reduces peripheral edema). Chlorthalidone can cause hypokalemia & olmesartan causes hyperkalemia thus these two drugs when given together maintain the potassium levels in blood.
Hypertension uncontrolled on dual therapy
Refractory Hypertension
Each tablet contains:

20 mg

5 mg

12.5 mg

1 tablet to be taken once daily preferably at the same time everyday.
Omen-ACT is available as a strip of 10 tablets.
Primodil AT
In patients with mild to moderate hypertension unresponsive to monotherapy with Amlodipine, additional therapy with Atenolol further improves B.P. control. Amlodipine in Primodil-AT reduces B.P. by reducing peripheral resistance. Atenolol in Primodil-AT reduces B.P. by reducing heart rate and force of myocardial contraction; this reduces cardiac output, which in turn reduces blood pressure. The combination of Amlodipine and Atenolol is also very effective in angina because in Primodil-AT, Amlodipine increases oxygen supply to myocardium, while Atenolol decreases oxygen demand.
Hypertension with IHD
Each tablet contains:

5 mg

50 mg

In both hypertension and angina, PRIMODIL – AT tablet is given once daily.
Side Effects
Primodil AT is well tolerated. The common side effects are headache, ankle edema, etc.
Hypersensitivity to either of the drugs. Congestive cardiac failure. Pregnancy and lactation.
Primodil AT is available as a strip of 10 tablets.